Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Saturday, October 13 2007

Hi Mich, Helayna and Mia -

I am in Haiti and doing great. Today we got here and the airport is just as crazy as Vietnam. We went to the orphanage, where all of us guys hads kids climbing up us and onto our shoulders. The fist one came up to me and called me a tree and said climb, so I let him. But once you picked one up, they won't let you put them down. All of the girls had kids in their arms also. Right now ,I am going to take a nap. I only had 3 hrs sleep and it is almost 2p here. Katie and Shannon went back to the O but the rest of us stayed behind. if I am typing worse than normal it is becasue these keys are very sticky. I took a lot of video and pics today and I will try to upload some but don't get your hopes up ,this is a very old computer and a slow connection.

We saw the school room they teach the kids in, and it is horrible. Cement crumbling and a couple long benches. Very sad. Tomorrow we are going to church in the morning and then we are taking the kids somewhere.

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