Friday, October 19, 2007

Friday, Oct 19, 2007

Hi -

Today was our last day at the O and it was a good one. We fisished the electrical work in the clinic and we also added a 3rd level to 3 bunk bads so that sleeps 6 more kids ( they double up). It was very sad to leave so I left right away before it got too sad, but others want to stay till the last trip. Joe got corn rows from one of the nannys, he looks very funny. Melanie and Kerry got theirs done also.

We are all packing now and waiting for dinner.

Today we gave the rest of our snacks to the nanny's and also to a guy named Oberson, who helped us a lot this week.. He lives in a one room house with 7 people. We all bought a few last minute gifts, and bargained with the locals who wait outside the house till we come and go. Tonight the security guard Erick said he will bring the guard dog over for us to see, his name is Baby. we hear him all the time but never see him. Well I am sure tonight will be a good devotional since it is our last, and I will call you most likely before we have it. .

Ok got to go tell everyone I love them and will see you all tomorrow!!!!

love me

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thursday, Oct 18, 2007

Hey, the Internet is back up! Today we went to the baptist mission and it was way up on the mountain, which was amazing. We went up there to eat lunch and from there we went to New Hope Orphanage. That was so cool. It was up a dirt road, way at the top of the mountain, overlooking the whole island and you could see the ocean. We were almost at the clouds. On the way, we saw a lot of shanty towns but at the same time beautiful countryside. It was a whole different Haiti. When we got to the O the kids all sang us a song about how happy they were that we were there.The kids were great and a little older than the ones at 3 Angels Orphanage. Katie and Shannon are sick, in fact Katie didn't go today But she is doing better now. Coming home, it was dark and it looked like a few people were nervous cuz it seemed like the whole city was out and looking at us, but I was not at all. Because there was no electricity ,all the shops had candles for lights! Ok, got to go. Can't believe tomorrow is our last day!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wednesday, October 17 2007 pt 2

I talked to Eric today. He didn't have time to email details about what they did, so I will try and remember.
They spent the whole day at the orphanage, finishing up their projects. Since they're done with the "work", they will be able to just play with and spend time with the kids on Friday when they're there.
He said that the power there shuts down about 10-12 times daily, so it makes it interesting. It happens at night too, so the fans keep going on and off. I guess they were told that this is done intentionally, by the government to show how powerful they are and how oppressed the people are. (pretty sad)
There are animals everywhere...chickens, roosters but not many bugs at all. They don't see many mosquitoes, but they have been bitten a few times.
They've been using the pool at the guest house, which he said is very refreshing after working all day. They spend a lot of time outside at night, just talking and getting to know each other better.
Tomorrow they go to a Baptist Mission. I'm not quite sure what they'll be doing there. I'm sure, whatever it is, it will be very rewarding.
He told me that, at no time, have they felt unsafe or scared at all. (which is very reassuring for us family members)
They are all really enjoying themselves and feeling very blessed by the whole experience.
God is good!
Keep praying for their safety and for their families at home...
Thanks to everyone who's keeping up with the a comment, if you'd like!



Hi all,
Just in case you were wondering...when Eric mentions the "O", he is referring to the orphanage.
Just wanted to make sure you knew what he was talking about...


Wednesday, October 17 2007

I already filled you in on mother teresas so there is so much more to say, but I will get to it later. It was amazing to especially see the guys with the babies. Did you know Joe could change a cloth diaper? Neither did anyone else! Melanie had to learn but Joe jumped right in and did it! Also, when the kids sat down to eat, I did that thing where I pretend to eat the food and they all laughed at that. I had the 7-10 year old girls rolling. It reminded me so much of Mia. I had one of the nanny's there ask me if I wanted to adopt a 1 yr old, I said that I would ,but you would be mad.

We rode the back of the tap tap again ,but on the way back Joe, Steve and Leo did it and the Haitian police pulled us over to tell us to get in the tap tap and no standing at all. It was very funny to see Steve on Jeff's lap, in fact a lot of people were on laps.

We had another great devotion tonight it lasted anout 90 min because everyone had so much to share.

I wish I could bring you all here and not come home.

I miss you and will see you all real soon!


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tuesday, October 16 2007

Well today we went to Mother Theresa's orphanage and all I can say is wow, it was amazing and very moving. I think that God touched everyone today. I would say there were a few hunderd kids there, but they were all sick in some way, some worse than others. When I walked in, a 7 year old girl came up to me and grabbed my leg so i picked her up and held her for a while till she had to go. then someone else was holding her ,and she looked at me and said that she wanted to come back to me. I think she had TB which is very sad, but God was with us all and gave us all strength to be there. I was very moved by her and just felt that God put her there for me. Her name was Sara. Any way about half of us worked in the afternoon at the O and the rest needed time to reflect. Tomorrow we are all going to the O and we will work all day. I will tell you more about Mother teresas later ,but just know you can't imagine anything like it.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Today we worked at the O all day. I mostly worked on fixing their toilet piping in the clinic, we had to break up the concrete and put new pipe in, that took about 7 hours to do, jeff and mostly leo helped me. Joe and the other guys ran conduit to all of the fixtures in the clinic. We stayed back while the girls went to lunch. They were late getting back so I made a rule that we all need to be together or at least half the guys with the girls.

Joe, Leo and a new guy Steve went to the market which sounded a lot like the one in Vietnam. Very crowded!

The one thing here is that we are looked at everywhere we go, not in a bad or unsafe way at all ,just looked at. Plus they call out Blah blah, which means white in Creole.

All of the kids were back in the schools today which is on the property of the O and next to the clinic, in fact the school is so small they have 2 classes in the clinic. The kids all wore prefectly clean and pressed uniforms and there are very well behaved, but I would think so because they hit them with a ruler if they get out of line. It is funny to watch.

When we first got there this morning we prayed and we heard singing up stairs in the nursery. It was the nannies singing praise songs and praying with the kids.

I also rode on the back of a Tap Tap wich is like their public transportation. Me Jeff and Tim (the doc) hung off the back it was so much fun. We were thinking of asking glen if we could film the PCC drive for the back of it.

Tomorrow is Mother Teresas and they don't allow and cameras, but I will try to sneak a few pics. It is supposed to be rows and rows of kids, mostly dying. I think it will be very emotional for everyone. We are going there because they are so short staffed they do not have anough help to even feed all the babies personally everyday amd a lot of them can't even hold their bottle. Very sad!!!

I led devotional for the second time tonight and God has been giving me great verses to read and the right words to say, it has been great and an honor to do that for Him.

Ok got to go to bed, tell the girls I miis them.

I will see you soon and I miss you very much!

Sunday, October 14 2007 pt. 2

Today we went to Church and it was amazing. It was standing room only and we worshiped for at least 30-40 min with great songs just like Willow Creek had. The pastor was filing in for the normal one and he had so much love for God, it was a great way to kick off the mission. Then we toured the school there which was for the elite kids. It was cool to see, but also sad to see even the elite don't have it as good as we do. Their BB court is cement with the hoops all bent, it also doubles as a vollyball court. Imaging diving for a ball on cement.

We had lunch and went to the O to scope out the projects. We will be finishing as much as we can of the clinic .it is not close to being done so they need our help bad. Joe and the Dr. will do the electric, I will be working with Leo and Jeff to fix the holes in the block walls, plus we will be cleaning it out, there is masonary block plus a lot of other stuff to take out. If we finish ,they have a leak in the O that we will also fix.

Tonight was fun, about half of us sat outside and told our "storys", so that was cool. We just came up and it is midnight here. Also, the van at the O wouldn't start and I actually fixed it!!!

The conditions of the roads are horrible, all pot holes and I wouldn;t even call them roads .it looks like a war zone. There are a lot of street vendors like Vietnam but poorer.

Today was the first day that I actually could see us packing up and commiting a couple years to a mission. God is working so much in all of us!

OK got to go and try to sleep, that rooster is at it again and they are about to turn the generator off so the fans and computer shut down also.

Give the girls a big hug and kiss from me and I miss you all very much!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, October 14 2007

Just got done with breakfst, eggs and toast. Julie is fine today and said her husband likes your emails, so keep emailng him.

We are off to church this morning and then back for lunch and to the O to scope out the projects. I didn't sleep well, there was a rooster that kept me up but i did get some sleep.

Ok go to go. I will talk to you later.

Love, me

Saturday, October 13 2007 pt. 2

My day was uneventful after what I told you.

I will call u b4 bed. It is very hot and sticky here, with no AC. Dinner was good beef stw so I had the rice and deep fried sweet potatoes, nd home made ice cream. Julie is sick but we think it is just exhaustion.


Saturday, October 13 2007

Hi Mich, Helayna and Mia -

I am in Haiti and doing great. Today we got here and the airport is just as crazy as Vietnam. We went to the orphanage, where all of us guys hads kids climbing up us and onto our shoulders. The fist one came up to me and called me a tree and said climb, so I let him. But once you picked one up, they won't let you put them down. All of the girls had kids in their arms also. Right now ,I am going to take a nap. I only had 3 hrs sleep and it is almost 2p here. Katie and Shannon went back to the O but the rest of us stayed behind. if I am typing worse than normal it is becasue these keys are very sticky. I took a lot of video and pics today and I will try to upload some but don't get your hopes up ,this is a very old computer and a slow connection.

We saw the school room they teach the kids in, and it is horrible. Cement crumbling and a couple long benches. Very sad. Tomorrow we are going to church in the morning and then we are taking the kids somewhere.