Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 3

I didn't get much from Eric today...but I do know that they found a car to purchase and will go pick it up tomorrow.
They went to the UN again and need to jump through a few more hoops to get registered and do what they need to do there.
They are confirmed to fly out on Friday, which is good because beginning on Saturday, is their yearly Carnival. This year, they have decided instead of a carnival, to spend 3 days praying in the streets. Some of the staff has asked for time off to participate in this.
Eric said that it's been amazing to see their hope, in the midst of all this pain and suffering. They spoke to a woman who had lost her 2 children in the quake and she was stil positive.
The Haitian people are resiliant and it's incredible to see how they are reacting to this tragedy.
Eric said that some businesses are beginning to come back and they actually went to eat at a restaurant today that had reopened.
There are people selling their things again on the street and they are definitely trying to come back from this.
Tomorrow, they will also try and find some jacks to lift the orphanage walls up a little, where people are walking so it is safer.
They are also trying to find some of the adopted kids biological parents.
Please continue to pray for their safety and that they are productive this week.
Until tomorrow....

1 comment:

rziedman said...

What an amazing son-in-law I'm blessed to have in Eric. Of course, the others are really wonderful as well, but he is my family, after all!!
Keep up your awesome efforts and come back home safe and sound.
I know God has His hand of favor on all of you who are so committed to doing his works.
Love you all and naturally will be in my prayers.